Jan 4, 2022Liked by Conor Fitzgerald

One of the weirder things I've noticed is the incredible level of emotional insight RTE reporters have. The other day I remember reading something like "ministers are getting very nervous ahead of their meeting with NEPHET on Thursday".

Statements like these are put forth as matters of fact right next to a sentence like "x people in ICU".

"How are these commentators trying to make me feel by how they're framing things" is something I've been forced to become more aware of when consuming any kind of media in the last few years.

Outrage and paranoid fear seem to be the most dominant on both sides. "Selfish woman didn't wear mask how dare she, cases break all records" versus "they're covering this and that up, how dare they, the elites are out to get you".

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Conor Fitzgerald

I have a relative who for many years now has had extreme germaphobia, exacerbated by the recent covid terror. I wonder how much of this has been shaped by the ongoing scary media output that has dominated her life beginning with AIDS and then on through other apocalyptic warnings about things like CJD, swine flu, foot and mouth, covid etc. Whatever caused it, the impact on her immediate family and other relations has been extreme and very sad. Social and loving relations are rendered multifariously difficult if you perceive others primarily as vectors of lethal infection. I think she and her children will continue to wear masks indefinitely. Many of our current influencers and leaders applaud this attitude and even find it virtuous. They have no idea of the wreckage of human pain left in its wake.

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Yeah I agree. I think the media encouraged fearful people to think masking/ restrictions would go on indefinitely, which was a kind of cruelty in itself

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Conor Fitzgerald

I see a trend where more poeple start of follow people that are good at curating the news where their top feature is that they dont play team sports or at least equally come down on either die even if they obviouslly on one team. in the US someone like a Matt Taibi or a Scott Adams

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